Hi, I’m Tricia and I’m a regular human being. I have no ridiculously high degree in anything (although I have a diploma in social work and the studying behavioral sciences) and I’m just a human that is thinking a lot. Very very much and a lot!
When I was going through trauma in life, I somehow started to think more. And today I’m consider myself a philosopher just because I have developed some thoughts on life. I think pretty much anyone can consider themselves a philosopher if they take their thinking abilities seriously. And that is what I do. I’ve also published a few books, so yes, I consider myself a philosopher even though I’m not famous or established in any way more than sharing thoughts online.
Now I’m going to tell you about my philosophies for life. They can be categorized into three main things:
Approach to life
Methods to apply
Tools for personal development.
I call this entire set of philosophical thoughts for “Luna Oculo” and that means “Moon’s Eye” in latin. The reason for the name is because it stands for it’s highly spiritual approach to life by referring to the moon which is a symbol of the goddess in the Wiccan religion and the eye which is our third eye in the chakra system.
However, you won’t need a specific religion to apply Luna Oculo to your life or find the thoughts interesting. Perhaps maybe atheists would find it… uninteresting or a misfit, but anyone open to spirituality regardless of religion could benefit from Luna Oculo, or at least find it kind of interesting to think about.
There are another three categories for how I have built up Luna Oculo:
It’s rooted in spiritual beliefs
It has some psychological and therapeutic influences in it
It is personal from my experience
So with that said, I won’t ever claim it to be an approach that fits everyone and I won’t ever say that this is backed up by science. Because it’s not. Even if it have influences from for example ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) and DBT (a form of Cognitive Behavior Therapy) in it, and so on.
I have also taken established philosophies into Luna Oculo, like the Yin and Yang-theory and teachings from Buddhism and Wicca, as well as my own thoughts from my own head. It’s a blend of different things. I encourage you to take what’s fits you and leave what doesn't.
I also don’t claim to be the only one thinking about this, since we are billions of people in this world I wouldn’t deny if someone else have come up with thoughts that are similar to mine. But I haven’t read about it somewhere and I haven’t seen the things I talking about before, so I felt I had to write it down myself and give it a name. However, feel free to customize what works for you and make your own version of Luna Oculo.
Luna Oculo has a few core beliefs:
There are polar opposites of almost everything for the world to function.
The Law of Attraction is a fact, although Luna Oculo have a little bit different interpretation of it which is called “The Law of Reaction” and I will talk about that in another article.
Live and let live; never push anything onto anyone that is not willing to receive what you want to give.
Not all people are meant to fit in in all situations, but that doesn’t mean they don’t belong in this world and this world shouldn’t be a safe place for everyone.
Answers will be found if you aim to find them. I will write more about this, it’s called “calling upon your divine self” in Luna Oculo.
The mind is always your toolbox and you can change and re-place almost everything in there.
Witchcraft is real and so are natural magick. I promise, it’s not like in movies. Please read my article about witchcraft and it’s history if interested, but I’m also going to define what witchcraft is in Luna Oculo later on in another article. Also, I have developed something called “minimal witchcraft” and “wise moon’s magick”, which will be talked about more too.
I will write a few lines about one of these core beliefs now. I will go more in-depth later in other articles in this series though.
But here is an excerpt from my book I’m currently writing, and it’s about the toolbox-metaphor:
“The mind is your toolbox” philosophy
Your mind is programmable. In both negative and positive ways. Brainwashing is bad, but an example of how the mind is able to be built in certain ways. You are in charge of your toolbox, your mind. Why do I call the mind a toolbox? Because you access everything you know - your acts are tools - via your mind. You can fill your mind with wisdom. Your mind is you. This might seem obvious, but some people say that they “can’t change”. If they can’t change, they wouldn’t be a part of nature. Because nature is always changing.
I have developed my own worksheets, methods and theories around this philosophy, and they are developing to this day! I'm going to share those in this book too when we dive deeper into my actual thoughts and work.
As you can see, it’s a lot going on in my brain! I’m a thinker and now you can see why I label myself as a philosopher.
Just remember that this is just a brief introduction though. I will dive deeper into Luna Oculo in other articles since this is a series of articles and this is the first one.
You have reached the end of this article.
Tricia Joy